RXC-GF028126A: 2.8-inch capacitivum touchscreen
Egetne summus qualitas capacitatis tactus tegumentum pro industrialis potestate, instrumento medicinae, domi callidi, commercio computatrum humano, securitati vel aliis applicationibus? RXC-GF028126A optima est electio tua, est status-of-artis 2.8 inch capacitivum tactus velum per Ruixiang fabricatum, ducens capacitivum tactus tegumentum fabricatum.
RXC-GF028126A 2.8 inch P+G compages habet velum capacitivum tactum, praebens experientiam tactum sensitivum et intuitivum. Cum TPOD of 49.8*68.70.8 et TP VA of 44.2*58.6, hoc tactus screen ordinatur ad praestantiorem observantiam et durabilitatem in variis ambitibus industrialibus et commercialibus.
In Ruixiang scimus omne consilium singulare esse, quod consuetudo servitutis offerimus ad propria requisita tua. Utrum amplitudines LCD diversas requiras, tegumenta tangas, luces, splendorem, angulos inspicias, an figuras et materias FPC, manipulus noster dedicatus est ad solutiones formandas ut obviam necessitatibus tuis occurras.
Noster XIX annos experientiae technologiae in evolutione et exsequendo technologiarum novarum peritiam nobis dedit facultatemque tangendi acuminis incisuras tradendi ad mercaturam crescentem postulatorum. Ex progressione programmatis ad analysin data, consilio ferramentorum et prototyping, manipulus fabrum noster dedicatus est tradendis melioribus in-classis quae exspectationem excedunt.
Ut fabrica capacitatis tactus tegumenta, Ruixiang committitur ad comparandas qualitates summus fructus optimized ad perficiendum, fidem et experientiam usoris. Testamentum RXC-GF028126A est nostrae obligationis excellentiae ac innovationis in tactu technicae artis.
Utrum quaeris capacitivum tactus tegumentum pro systematis industrialis potestate, instrumento medicinae, machinationes domesticas machinas, commercium computatrum humanum, applicationes securitatis vel alios campos, RXC-GF028126A est specimen electionis pro incepto tuo.
Omnino, si quaeres capacitatem firmam et existimabilem tactus fabricatoris opificis, non ulterius spectabis quam Ruixiang. Cssitati, innovationi et qualitati commissi sumus ac confidimusRXC-GF028126Aexspectationem tuam excedent ac superiorem effectum praebebunt ad applicationes specificas necessarias. Elige Ruixiang pro tuo capacitivo tactus screen necessitates et experientiam differentiam nostrae peritia et studii ad excellentiam tuam facere potest pro incepto tuo.
Ruixiang(RX) clientes praebet officia custodibilia flexibilia: nativus screen FPC, tegumentum IC, tegumentum backlight, tactum velum velamentum laminam, sensorem, velum tactum FPC. Pro plura, quaeso, consule nos, te gratuito incepto aestimatione ac approbatione praestabimus, ac professionales personas R&D unum ad unum consilium docking, rogationem clientium ad nos inveniat!
E-mail: info@rxtplcd.com
Mobile/Whatsapp/WeChat: +86 18927346997
Website: https://www.rxtplcd.com
Ruixiang tactus propono technology Co, Ltd.
OEM/ODM customization sustentatur.
Non omnes magnitudinis sequentia sunt. Si magnitudo quae opus non est in indice, magnitudinem tuam narra nobis quae debes.
Magnitudo (inch) | Pars No. | Resolution | LCD OD | Visum Area (mm) | Interface | IC | FPC | Animadverte | |
2.4 | RXL024074-A | 240*320 | 42.72*58.9*2.2 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US |
RXL024091-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*2.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*3.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.92*60.26*3.78 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | IPS | ||
2.8 | RXL028052-A | 240*320 | 50.2*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL028075-A | 240*320 | 50.5*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL028092-A | 240*320 | 50*69.2*2.45 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 37PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3 | RXL030053-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 39.24*65.4 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | IPS | Contactus US |
RXL030076-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 38.88*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.2 | RXL032054-A | 240*320 | 55.04*77.2*2.5 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9341 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL032077-A | 240*320 | 55*77.2*2.6 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.5 | RXL035055-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*3.25 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL035093-A | 320*480 | 54.66*82.94*2.3 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9488 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035103-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.5 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035109-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.55 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035113-A | 320*480 | 54.58*83.57*2.1 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9488 | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035036-A | 320*480 | 55.5*84.9*2.5 | 48.96*73.44 | MIPI | ILI9488 | 20PIN | IPS | ||
4 | RXL040056-A | 480*800 | 79.38*76.43*2.8 | 70.176*71.856 | SPI/RGB | ST7701S | 50PIN | IPS | Contactus US |
RXL040078-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MIPI | OTM8019A | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040094-A | 480*800 | 58.26*98.1*2.55 | 51.84*86.4 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040026-A | 480*800 | 57.15*96.85*2.3 | 51.84*86.4 | RGB | ILI9806 | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040104-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9806G | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.3 | RXL043057-A | 480* 272 | 105.4*67.15*2.86 | 95.04*53.86 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7282 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL043079-A | 480*800 | 62.5* 105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | 16/18/24RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043095-A | 480* 272 | 105.4*67.15*2.85 | 95.04*53.86 | 8/24RGB | SC7283 | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL043105-A | 480*800 | 62.5* 105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043119-A | 480* 272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL043002-A | 480* 272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.5 | RXL045058-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US |
RXL045080-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
5 | RXL050059-A | 480* 272 | 120.8*75.9*4.2 | 110.88*62.83 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL050081-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.5 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050063-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050020-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3.1 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050096-A | 800*480 | 120.9*78.1*2.95 | 108*64.8 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7262 | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL050106-A | 720* 1280 | 67.56* 122.35*2.6 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | IPS HD | ||
RXL050025-A | 720* 1280 | 65.4* 119.3*1.64 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | / | 25PIN | |||
RXL050110-A | 1080*1920 | 64.3* 118.3*1.49 | 61.88*110.2 | MIPI | NT35596 | 39PIN | IPS HD | ||
5.5 | RXL055060-A | 720* 1280 | 71.66* 129.99*1.61 | 68.04* 120.96 | MIPI | OTM1283A | 25PIN | IPS 1080P | |
RXL055082-A | 720* 1280 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04* 120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US | |
RXL055097-A | 1080*1920 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04* 120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | NT35532 | 25PIN | IPS 1080P | ||
5.6 | RXL056061-A | 640*480 | 126.5*100*4.5 | 112.9*84.67 | 16/18RGB | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
7 | RXL070018-A | 800*480 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.08*85.92 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL070083-A | 800*480 | 165*100*5.7 | 154.08*85.92 | MIPI | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070098-A | 800*480 | 165.4* 104.59*5.8 | 152.4*91.44 | 16/18/24RGB | / | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL070107-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*6 | 154.21*85.92 | RGB | NT52003+NT51008 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070111-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | MIPI | EK79007AD+ EK73215BCGA | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070114-A | 1024*600 | 164.9*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | LVDS | 79001/EK73215BC | 30PIN | MVA | ||
RXL070116-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*5.8 | 154.21*85.92 | 4 Lane MIPI | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070117-A | 800*1280 | 103.46*160.78*2.17 | 94.2* 150.72 | MIPI | NT35521 | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070084-A | 800*1280 | 97.35* 162.03*2.3 | 94.2* 150.7 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | Contactus US | |
RXL070029-A | 1200*1920 | 98.75*160.85 | 94.5*151.2 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
8 | RXL080064-A | 800*600 | 183*141*5.6 | 162* 121.5 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL080050-A | 800*1280 | 114.6*184.1*2.5 | 107.64*172.22 | MIPI | / | 31PIN | IPS | ||
RXL080120-A | 1024*768 | 136*174*2.5 | 162* 121.5 | MIPI | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
RXL080049-A | 1024*768 | 183*141*6 | 162* 121.54 | LVDS | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
9 | RXL090065-A | 800*480 | 211.1* 126.5*3.5 | 198*111.7 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL090085-A | 1024*600 | 210.7*126.5*5 | 196.61*114.15 | RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
10.1 | RXL101086-A | 800*1280 | 143* 228.6*2.8 | 135.36*216.57 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | |
RXL101100-A | 1200*1920 | 143* 228.7*2.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101073-A | 1080*1920 | 142.8*228.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101108-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5.2 | 222.72* 125.28 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US | |
RXL101112-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5 | 222.72* 125.28 | RGB | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101066-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*149.1*2.5 | 216.96* 135.6 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101121-A | 1280*800 | 229.46* 150.2*4.5 | 216.96* 135.6 | LVDS | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
10.4 | RXL104067-A | 800*600 | 228.4* 175.4*5.9 | 211.2* 158.4 | 24RGB | / | 60PIN | RTP/CTP | |
12.1 | RXL121068-A | 1024*768 | 279*209*9 | 245.76*184.32 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL121122-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*203.5*10 | 248* 187 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL121087-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*204*8.4 | 245.76*184.3 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
13.3 | RXL133069-A | 1920*1080 | 306.3*177.7*5.4 | 293.47* 165.07 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | |
RXL133088-A | 1920*1080 | 305.35*187.82*2.7 | 293.76* 165.24 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL133101-A | 1920*1080 | 305.2* 178.1*2.6 | 293.76* 165.24 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
15.6 | RXL156070-A | 1920*1080 | 363.8* 215.9*8.8 | 344.16*193.59 | Edp | / | 30PIN | 1000NITS | Contactus US |
RXL156089-A | 1920*1080 | 359.5* 223.8*3.2 | 344.16*193.59 | Edp | / | 30PIN | 220nits IPS | ||
19 | RXL190071-A | 1280*1024 | 396* 324* 11.2 | 376.32* 301.06 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
21.5 | RXL215072-A | 1920*1080 | 495.6* 292.2*10.6 | 476.64* 268.11 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
RXL215090-A | 1920*1080 | 489.3*287* 12.8 | 476.06*267.8 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS |