** Ruixiang movet VII inch tactus screen **
In hodierno mundo celeriter digitali, postulatio summus qualitas tactus interfaces crescunt. Ruixiang, ducens tactum tegumentum integratum opificem, productos nostros magnifice ostende: a 7 inch tactus velamentum constitutum ad augendae usuario experientiam per varias applicationes. Nostram amplam peritiam in technologia ostentationis haurientes, solutionem comprehensivam offerimus quae ostentationem, touchscreen et tutelam in operculo in interface inconsutilem praebemus.
The 7-inch touch screen uses capacitive touch technology with G+G (glass-on-glass) structura ut diuturnitatem et alacritatem praestarent. Pars numerus RXC-GG070197B-1.0 demonstrat obligationem nostram faciendi qualitatem et praecisionem. Cum altiore dimensionibus 224.38 mm x 125,71 mm x 2.9 mm, tactus screen compactus adhuc potens est, ut id specimen variis machinis e machinis ad systemata infixa.
Una e notis stantium nostrorum 7-inch touchscreen est regio visualis infigo eius, quae 150.76mm x 94.6mm mensurat. Haec regio spatiosa ostentationis visuales vibrantes tradit et intuitivam usoris interfaciem, crevit altiorem experientiam usoris. Utrum novam tabulam, ac ante vel quamlibet aliam machinam interactivam promoveas, 7-unc tactus pluteorum nostrorum perfectum suggestum ad pugnandum utentes praebent.
In Ruixiang intelligimus tactum screen plusquam ostentationem; ea pars clavis interface utentis est. Officia nostra in aedibus includunt tactum sensorem designandi, fabricandi et tactus perficiendi tuning, ut singulae 7 inch tactus screen occurrat summa qualitas et signa functionis. Providemus etiam integrationem programmatum exactoris et obsequii probationem, permittentes clientes nostros ut in nucleum suum negotium tendere, dum singula technica tractamus.
Nostrum officium innovationis et qualitatis relucet in variis exsecutionibus nostris. Lorem in variis configurationibus, incluso vitreo, vitreo, vitreo, vitreo vel monolithico consiliorum. Haec versatilis nobis concedit ut singulares clientium nostrorum necessitates occurrat, solutiones sartor-factas praebens quae augendae causarum et fructuum aestheticorum sunt.
The 7-inch touch screen is not just a product; Praesent porta elit vel magna tincidunt accumsan. Cum exquisito consilio et technologia provecta, optime apta est applicationibus electronicis consumere, autocinetis, curis et aliis industriis. Cum Ruixiang eligis, particeps es cum societate quae prioritizat qualitatem, innovationem et satisfactionem emptoris.
In summa, Ruixiang scriptor 7-inch tactus screen probat officium nostrum ad comparandas solutiones interfaces usoris integram experientiam. Cum latis facultatibus et studio ad excellentiam nostram, confidimus in tegumenta nostra tactus occurrere et excedere exspectationem tuam. Explora possibilitates nostrae 7-inch touchscreen et vide quomodo portfolio productum tuum transformare potest. Ad plura informationes vel ad specifica requisita discutienda, hodie nobis pete. Experiri futura technologiae tactus cum Ruixiang, congressio inter innovationem et qualitatem.
Commissi sumus ut meliores fructus et officia provideremus, et semper principii qualitatis primo adhaeremus. Turma professionalis habemus, notioni innovationis, efficientiae et qualitatis servitutis adhaerentes, ut tibi subsidia et officia technica comprehensiva praebeant. Credimus electum nostrum eligens electionem sapientem esse debere!
Utrum singulae customizationes tuae sint necessariae an solutiones OEM/ODM, tuis postulationibus occurrere possumus. Si quas quaestiones habes de productis nostris vel ulteriori notitia indigentes, placet liberum contactus nos habere, plenam amplitudinem subsidii et muneris tibi praebebimus!
E-mail: info@rxtplcd.com
Mobile/Whatsapp/WeChat: +86 18927346997
Website: https://www.rxtplcd.com
Ruixiang tactus propono technology Co, Ltd.
OEM/ODM customization sustentatur.
Non omnes magnitudinis sequentia sunt. Si magnitudo quae opus non est in indice, magnitudinem tuam narra nobis quae debes.
Magnitudo (inch) | Pars No. | Resolution | LCD OD | Visum Area (mm) | Interface | IC | FPC | Animadverte | |
2.4 | RXL024074-A | 240*320 | 42.72*58.9*2.2 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US |
RXL024091-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*2.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*3.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.92*60.26*3.78 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | IPS | ||
2.8 | RXL028052-A | 240*320 | 50.2*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL028075-A | 240*320 | 50.5*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL028092-A | 240*320 | 50*69.2*2.45 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 37PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3 | RXL030053-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 39.24*65.4 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | IPS | Contactus US |
RXL030076-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 38.88*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.2 | RXL032054-A | 240*320 | 55.04*77.2*2.5 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9341 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL032077-A | 240*320 | 55*77.2*2.6 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.5 | RXL035055-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*3.25 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL035093-A | 320*480 | 54.66*82.94*2.3 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9488 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035103-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.5 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035109-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.55 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035113-A | 320*480 | 54.58*83.57*2.1 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9488 | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035036-A | 320*480 | 55.5*84.9*2.5 | 48.96*73.44 | MIPI | ILI9488 | 20PIN | IPS | ||
4 | RXL040056-A | 480*800 | 79.38*76.43*2.8 | 70.176*71.856 | SPI/RGB | ST7701S | 50PIN | IPS | Contactus US |
RXL040078-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MIPI | OTM8019A | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040094-A | 480*800 | 58.26*98.1*2.55 | 51.84*86.4 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040026-A | 480*800 | 57.15*96.85*2.3 | 51.84*86.4 | RGB | ILI9806 | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040104-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9806G | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.3 | RXL043057-A | 480* 272 | 105.4*67.15*2.86 | 95.04*53.86 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7282 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL043079-A | 480*800 | 62.5* 105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | 16/18/24RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043095-A | 480* 272 | 105.4*67.15*2.85 | 95.04*53.86 | 8/24RGB | SC7283 | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL043105-A | 480*800 | 62.5* 105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043119-A | 480* 272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL043002-A | 480* 272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.5 | RXL045058-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US |
RXL045080-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
5 | RXL050059-A | 480* 272 | 120.8*75.9*4.2 | 110.88*62.83 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL050081-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.5 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050063-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050020-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3.1 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050096-A | 800*480 | 120.9*78.1*2.95 | 108*64.8 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7262 | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL050106-A | 720* 1280 | 67.56* 122.35*2.6 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | IPS HD | ||
RXL050025-A | 720* 1280 | 65.4* 119.3*1.64 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | / | 25PIN | |||
RXL050110-A | 1080*1920 | 64.3* 118.3*1.49 | 61.88*110.2 | MIPI | NT35596 | 39PIN | IPS HD | ||
5.5 | RXL055060-A | 720* 1280 | 71.66* 129.99*1.61 | 68.04* 120.96 | MIPI | OTM1283A | 25PIN | IPS 1080P | |
RXL055082-A | 720* 1280 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04* 120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US | |
RXL055097-A | 1080*1920 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04* 120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | NT35532 | 25PIN | IPS 1080P | ||
5.6 | RXL056061-A | 640*480 | 126.5*100*4.5 | 112.9*84.67 | 16/18RGB | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
7 | RXL070018-A | 800*480 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.08*85.92 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL070083-A | 800*480 | 165*100*5.7 | 154.08*85.92 | MIPI | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070098-A | 800*480 | 165.4* 104.59*5.8 | 152.4*91.44 | 16/18/24RGB | / | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL070107-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*6 | 154.21*85.92 | RGB | NT52003+NT51008 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070111-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | MIPI | EK79007AD+ EK73215BCGA | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070114-A | 1024*600 | 164.9*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | LVDS | 79001/EK73215BC | 30PIN | MVA | ||
RXL070116-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*5.8 | 154.21*85.92 | 4 Lane MIPI | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070117-A | 800*1280 | 103.46*160.78*2.17 | 94.2* 150.72 | MIPI | NT35521 | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070084-A | 800*1280 | 97.35* 162.03*2.3 | 94.2* 150.7 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | Contactus US | |
RXL070029-A | 1200*1920 | 98.75*160.85 | 94.5*151.2 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
8 | RXL080064-A | 800*600 | 183*141*5.6 | 162* 121.5 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL080050-A | 800*1280 | 114.6*184.1*2.5 | 107.64*172.22 | MIPI | / | 31PIN | IPS | ||
RXL080120-A | 1024*768 | 136*174*2.5 | 162* 121.5 | MIPI | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
RXL080049-A | 1024*768 | 183*141*6 | 162* 121.54 | LVDS | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
9 | RXL090065-A | 800*480 | 211.1* 126.5*3.5 | 198*111.7 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL090085-A | 1024*600 | 210.7*126.5*5 | 196.61*114.15 | RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
10.1 | RXL101086-A | 800*1280 | 143* 228.6*2.8 | 135.36*216.57 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | |
RXL101100-A | 1200*1920 | 143* 228.7*2.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101073-A | 1080*1920 | 142.8*228.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101108-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5.2 | 222.72* 125.28 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US | |
RXL101112-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5 | 222.72* 125.28 | RGB | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101066-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*149.1*2.5 | 216.96* 135.6 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101121-A | 1280*800 | 229.46* 150.2*4.5 | 216.96* 135.6 | LVDS | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
10.4 | RXL104067-A | 800*600 | 228.4* 175.4*5.9 | 211.2* 158.4 | 24RGB | / | 60PIN | RTP/CTP | |
12.1 | RXL121068-A | 1024*768 | 279*209*9 | 245.76*184.32 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL121122-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*203.5*10 | 248* 187 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL121087-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*204*8.4 | 245.76*184.3 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
13.3 | RXL133069-A | 1920*1080 | 306.3*177.7*5.4 | 293.47* 165.07 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | |
RXL133088-A | 1920*1080 | 305.35*187.82*2.7 | 293.76* 165.24 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL133101-A | 1920*1080 | 305.2* 178.1*2.6 | 293.76* 165.24 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
15.6 | RXL156070-A | 1920*1080 | 363.8* 215.9*8.8 | 344.16*193.59 | Edp | / | 30PIN | 1000NITS | Contactus US |
RXL156089-A | 1920*1080 | 359.5* 223.8*3.2 | 344.16*193.59 | Edp | / | 30PIN | 220nits IPS | ||
19 | RXL190071-A | 1280*1024 | 396* 324* 11.2 | 376.32* 301.06 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
21.5 | RXL215072-A | 1920*1080 | 495.6* 292.2*10.6 | 476.64* 268.11 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
RXL215090-A | 1920*1080 | 489.3*287* 12.8 | 476.06*267.8 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS |