Ruixiang movet 7-inch capacitive tactus screen **
In hodiernae ambitu technologiae velocissimo deambulato, postulatio qualis summus tactus solutionum tegumentum crescunt. Ruixiang creditum est nomen industriae cum supra XX annos experientiae. Nostra machinalis quadrigis excellit ad operandum cum clientibus ad intelligendas suas necessitates ac primo-classis operas operas praebendas. Nostra 7-unc capacitiva tactus screen destinatur ad varias necessitates variarum industriarum, praesertim instrumentorum medicorum et applicationum industrialium.
Product Overview**
The 7-inch touchscreen features asperae G+G (vitri-in-vitri) constructionis, ut durabilitatem et constantiam in asperis ambitibus obtineant. Cum altiore magnitudine 104.72mm x 161.67mm x 1.45mm (TPOD) et area inspicienda 95mm x 151.52mm (TP VA), touchscreen perfecte ampliantur pro applicationibus variis. Technologia capacitiva praebet experientiam usoris valde responsivam, eamque aptam facit ad ostentationes interactivas, instrumenta medicinae et tabulas moderandi industriales.
** Features **
1. SENSITAS SUMMA: Tegumentum 7 pollicis tactus diligenter destinatum est ad praestandam tactum sensibilitatem in inconsutilem commercium ac subtilis temperantiam. Utrum in ambitu medicinae vel applicationis industriae, utentes experientiam lenis et intuitivam exspectare possunt.
2. Structura dura: G+G compages non solum responsionis velocitatem screen tactus auget, sed etiam vitam suam adiuvat. Inde idoneos efficit ambitus ubi durabilitas critica est, sicut hospitalium et fabricandi facultas.
3. Multi-functionalis Applications**: Tegumentum 7 pollicis tactus versatile est satis ut in variis machinis a manubriis medicinae machinis ad magnam machinam industrialem integrandam componatur. Magnitudo eius compacta et princeps effectus primam electionem faciunt pro OEMs spectantes ad oblationes productas augendas.
4. Solutiones Consuetudinis: In Ruixiang, intelligimus omne consilium unum esse. Nostrae solutiones tangentes screens ad specificas necessitates formandas possunt, ut clientes nostri optimum productum pro eorum necessitatibus recipiant.
** Quid elige Ruixiang? **
Ut unus ex probatissimis consuetudine tactus fabricatores tegumentum, Ruixiang committitur ut solutiones summus qualitas praebeat adiuta per multam experientiam et peritiam technicam. Turma technica nostra fortis commissa est ut technologias amet ac flexibiles optiones fabricandi provideat ut diversae necessitates clientium nostrorum conveniant.
Superbi sumus de processu qualitatis rigoris nostrae ditionis, quae omne 7-inch touchscreen efficit ut summa observantia et signis firmitatis occurrat. Munera globalia nostra curant, socios et clientes ubicunque sunt, sustinere possumus.
** connect **
For more information about our 7-inch touch screens and customization services including engineering options, please feel free to contact us. You can contact us via email: and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
In summa, Ruixiang capax 7 pollicis tactus velamentum demonstrat nostrae obligationis qualitati et innovationi. Cum propriis provectis et diuturna constructione, optima solutio est pro variis applicationibus. Fiducia Ruixiang providere vobis cum summus qualitas tactus solutionum screen opus est ut in industria succedat.
Commissi sumus ut meliores fructus et officia provideremus, et semper principii qualitatis primo adhaeremus. Turma professionalis habemus, notioni innovationis, efficientiae et qualitatis servitutis adhaerentes, ut tibi subsidia et officia technica comprehensiva praebeant. Credimus electum nostrum eligens electionem sapientem esse debere!
Utrum singulae customizationes tuae sint necessariae an solutiones OEM/ODM, tuis postulationibus occurrere possumus. Si quas quaestiones habes de productis nostris vel ulteriori notitia indigentes, placet liberum contactus nos habere, plenam amplitudinem subsidii et muneris tibi praebebimus!
Mobile/Whatsapp/WeChat: +86 18927346997
Ruixiang tactus propono technology Co, Ltd.
OEM/ODM customization sustentatur.
Non omnes magnitudinis sequentia sunt. Si magnitudo quae opus non est in indice, magnitudinem tuam narra nobis quae debes.
Magnitudo (inch) | Pars No. | Resolution | LCD OD | Visum Area (mm) | Interface | IC | FPC | Animadverte | |
2.4 | RXL024074-A | 240*320 | 42.72*58.9*2.2 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US |
RXL024091-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*2.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*3.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.92*60.26*3.78 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | IPS | ||
2.8 | RXL028052-A | 240*320 | 50.2*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL028075-A | 240*320 | 50.5*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL028092-A | 240*320 | 50*69.2*2.45 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 37PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3 | RXL030053-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 39.24*65.4 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | IPS | Contactus US |
RXL030076-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 38.88*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.2 | RXL032054-A | 240*320 | 55.04*77.2*2.5 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9341 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL032077-A | 240*320 | 55*77.2*2.6 | 48.6*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.5 | RXL035055-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*3.25 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL035093-A | 320*480 | 54.66*82.94*2.3 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9488 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035103-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.5 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035109-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.55 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035113-A | 320*480 | 54.58*83.57*2.1 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9488 | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035036-A | 320*480 | 55.5*84.9*2.5 | 48.96*73.44 | MIPI | ILI9488 | 20PIN | IPS | ||
4 | RXL040056-A | 480*800 | 79.38*76.43*2.8 | 70.176*71.856 | SPI/RGB | ST7701S | 50PIN | IPS | Contactus US |
RXL040078-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MIPI | OTM8019A | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040094-A | 480*800 | 58.26*98.1*2.55 | 51.84*86.4 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040026-A | 480*800 | 57.15*96.85*2.3 | 51.84*86.4 | RGB | ILI9806 | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040104-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9806G | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.3 | RXL043057-A | 480* 272 | 105.4*67.15*2.86 | 95.04*53.86 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7282 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL043079-A | 480*800 | 62.5* 105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | 16/18/24RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043095-A | 480* 272 | 105.4*67.15*2.85 | 95.04*53.86 | 8/24RGB | SC7283 | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL043105-A | 480*800 | 62.5* 105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043119-A | 480* 272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL043002-A | 480* 272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.5 | RXL045058-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | SPI+RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US |
RXL045080-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
5 | RXL050059-A | 480* 272 | 120.8*75.9*4.2 | 110.88*62.83 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL050081-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.5 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050063-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050020-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3.1 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050096-A | 800*480 | 120.9*78.1*2.95 | 108*64.8 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7262 | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL050106-A | 720* 1280 | 67.56* 122.35*2.6 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | IPS HD | ||
RXL050025-A | 720* 1280 | 65.4* 119.3*1.64 | 62.1*110.4 | MIPI | / | 25PIN | |||
RXL050110-A | 1080*1920 | 64.3* 118.3*1.49 | 61.88*110.2 | MIPI | NT35596 | 39PIN | IPS HD | ||
5.5 | RXL055060-A | 720* 1280 | 71.66* 129.99*1.61 | 68.04* 120.96 | MIPI | OTM1283A | 25PIN | IPS 1080P | |
RXL055082-A | 720* 1280 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04* 120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US | |
RXL055097-A | 1080*1920 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04* 120.96 | 4 Lane MIPI | NT35532 | 25PIN | IPS 1080P | ||
5.6 | RXL056061-A | 640*480 | 126.5*100*4.5 | 112.9*84.67 | 16/18RGB | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
7 | RXL070018-A | 800*480 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.08*85.92 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL070083-A | 800*480 | 165*100*5.7 | 154.08*85.92 | MIPI | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070098-A | 800*480 | 165.4* 104.59*5.8 | 152.4*91.44 | 16/18/24RGB | / | 40PIN | Lata temp/IPS | ||
RXL070107-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*6 | 154.21*85.92 | RGB | NT52003+NT51008 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070111-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | MIPI | EK79007AD+ EK73215BCGA | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070114-A | 1024*600 | 164.9*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | LVDS | 79001/EK73215BC | 30PIN | MVA | ||
RXL070116-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*5.8 | 154.21*85.92 | 4 Lane MIPI | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070117-A | 800*1280 | 103.46*160.78*2.17 | 94.2* 150.72 | MIPI | NT35521 | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070084-A | 800*1280 | 97.35* 162.03*2.3 | 94.2* 150.7 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | Contactus US | |
RXL070029-A | 1200*1920 | 98.75*160.85 | 94.5*151.2 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
8 | RXL080064-A | 800*600 | 183*141*5.6 | 162* 121.5 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL080050-A | 800*1280 | 114.6*184.1*2.5 | 107.64*172.22 | MIPI | / | 31PIN | IPS | ||
RXL080120-A | 1024*768 | 136*174*2.5 | 162* 121.5 | MIPI | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
RXL080049-A | 1024*768 | 183*141*6 | 162* 121.54 | LVDS | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
9 | RXL090065-A | 800*480 | 211.1* 126.5*3.5 | 198*111.7 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL090085-A | 1024*600 | 210.7*126.5*5 | 196.61*114.15 | RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
10.1 | RXL101086-A | 800*1280 | 143* 228.6*2.8 | 135.36*216.57 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | |
RXL101100-A | 1200*1920 | 143* 228.7*2.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101073-A | 1080*1920 | 142.8*228.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101108-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5.2 | 222.72* 125.28 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Contactus US | |
RXL101112-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5 | 222.72* 125.28 | RGB | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101066-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*149.1*2.5 | 216.96* 135.6 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101121-A | 1280*800 | 229.46* 150.2*4.5 | 216.96* 135.6 | LVDS | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
10.4 | RXL104067-A | 800*600 | 228.4* 175.4*5.9 | 211.2* 158.4 | 24RGB | / | 60PIN | RTP/CTP | |
12.1 | RXL121068-A | 1024*768 | 279*209*9 | 245.76*184.32 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL121122-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*203.5*10 | 248* 187 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL121087-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*204*8.4 | 245.76*184.3 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
13.3 | RXL133069-A | 1920*1080 | 306.3*177.7*5.4 | 293.47* 165.07 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | |
RXL133088-A | 1920*1080 | 305.35*187.82*2.7 | 293.76* 165.24 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL133101-A | 1920*1080 | 305.2* 178.1*2.6 | 293.76* 165.24 | Edp | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
15.6 | RXL156070-A | 1920*1080 | 363.8* 215.9*8.8 | 344.16*193.59 | Edp | / | 30PIN | 1000NITS | Contactus US |
RXL156089-A | 1920*1080 | 359.5* 223.8*3.2 | 344.16*193.59 | Edp | / | 30PIN | 220nits IPS | ||
19 | RXL190071-A | 1280*1024 | 396* 324* 11.2 | 376.32* 301.06 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
21.5 | RXL215072-A | 1920*1080 | 495.6* 292.2*10.6 | 476.64* 268.11 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
RXL215090-A | 1920*1080 | 489.3*287* 12.8 | 476.06*267.8 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS |